Search results

  1. Catoblepa

    Interest Check: Pre-made upgraded 161-in-1 multicarts - All spots filled - 11/13 : WAITLIST

    In the same waitlist sheet? Edit: nevermind, found it. Those damn tabs 😅🤦‍♂️ Thanks a lot trev, and sorry for the confusion rewrite!
  2. Catoblepa

    Interest Check: Pre-made upgraded 161-in-1 multicarts - All spots filled - 11/13 : WAITLIST

    Oh, I know about CTRL+F but I couldn't find the updated waitlist sheet itself and I still can't find it! 🤭 The one in the first post of this thread looks like an older list, but I'm probably looking in the wrong place. Anyway, if you say I'm on the list (and Xenocrisis is checked "yes") that's...
  3. Catoblepa

    Interest Check: Pre-made upgraded 161-in-1 multicarts - All spots filled - 11/13 : WAITLIST

    I can't seem to find the updated waitlist (I'm looking in the first post of this thread) so I can't check if my name is there... am I missing something? Anyway, in my original post I forgot to add that I'd like to add Xenocrisis to my MVS cart, so I'll mention it here. Thanks Rewrite!
  4. Catoblepa

    Interest Check: Pre-made upgraded 161-in-1 multicarts - All spots filled - 11/13 : WAITLIST

    This is really impressive work, thanks for the heads-up rewrite. Just one thing that still isn't clear to me, will you contact us by PM for the bank info so we can make the initial deposit? I'm aware I'm very late to the MVS waitlist but I'm not in a rush, so please take all the time you need...
  5. Catoblepa

    Interest Check: Pre-made upgraded 161-in-1 multicarts - All spots filled - 11/13 : WAITLIST

    If it's still possible, I'd like to join the list for an MVS cart. P.S. I'm from Italy, and I'm aware of the higher shipping cost / risk of fees.
  6. Catoblepa

    Problem with all my Data East PCBs (loud beeping sound)

    UPDATE Well, instead of goin' insane trying to figure out why the MAK Strike was behaving like that ('cause it just had to be a supergun problem), I simply decided to buy a HAS 4.1 Supergun from Mike. It arrived a few days ago, today I finally had time to wire it; I've tested my Double Wings...
  7. Catoblepa

    Home Arcade System

    Me too, I guess... and I'll also check regularly here Thanks for the update RGB
  8. Catoblepa

    [ORDER your HAS!]

    I'd also like to order one... any news?
  9. Catoblepa

    Problem with all my Data East PCBs (loud beeping sound)

    I'm sorry for bein' so slow with updates, but work is keepin' me so busy I can't always go to the mancave and test things... In the meantime, I'd like to thank all you guys who are helping me with questions and suggestions, you're all very kind. Hope I'll get to the bottom of this (and I hope I...
  10. Catoblepa

    Problem with all my Data East PCBs (loud beeping sound)

    So, I've just tried that same Double Wings PCB on my cab with the faulty monitor (but working audio): no loud beeps at all, even after quite a long wait. MB3730A gets hot, but I think it's supposed to get hot (I couldn't tell if it was a bit cooler this time, but it didn't smell that bad, so...
  11. Catoblepa

    Problem with all my Data East PCBs (loud beeping sound)

    You're right, that's exactly what I'll do... wish the HAS supergun was available when I needed it, the MAK was just a stopgap for me :( (is it back in stock? I'm afraid not, but I'll have to check RGB's thread)
  12. Catoblepa

    Problem with all my Data East PCBs (loud beeping sound)

    Just a quick update... I've tried setting the MAK switch to mono, but I still hear the loud beeps after a while. Tomorrow I'll test the Data East boards in another cab and take a shot of the psu to supergun wiring; by the way, I've bought more boards from an arcade operator and today I got the...
  13. Catoblepa

    Official: CPS1 (CPS1.5) Multi by Darksoft/Apocalypse - Interest Check Thread

    Please add me to the "interest list", thanks ;)
  14. Catoblepa

    Problem with all my Data East PCBs (loud beeping sound)

    Thanks, I'll also check that!
  15. Catoblepa

    Problem with all my Data East PCBs (loud beeping sound)

    I have two cabs, one has no jamma audio (I'm using the MVS stereo headphone connector), the other has no video (monitor is gone)... well, I'll try the PCB on the one with no video and see if the buzzing sounds start again ;) Sure! The problem occurred even with a perfect 5.00, but I'll take a...
  16. Catoblepa

    Problem with all my Data East PCBs (loud beeping sound)

    I'll do some test as soon as I can, thanks Apocalypse. If anybody has experienced this problem with Data East boards, please let me know! I can't be the only one ^_^
  17. Catoblepa

    Problem with all my Data East PCBs (loud beeping sound)

    I've set the volume pot very low, but the beeping sound doesn't change, it's always at max. Didn't measure the 12V rail yet, do you think it could be the PSU?
  18. Catoblepa

    Problem with all my Data East PCBs (loud beeping sound)

    Here's a real head-scratcher... hope someone can help me - or just point me in the right direction, 'cause I couldn't find any info! ;( I've recently bought three Data East PCBs from an arcade operator (Funky Jet, Double Wings and Pocket Gal Deluxe); then I've bought a fourth Data East PCB...
  19. Catoblepa

    Hi everyone from Italy

    Thanks everyone!