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  1. 16bitgium

    Final Vendetta: AES & MVS Version available for Pre-Order

    I wish to see some footage of the neo geo version before pre-ordering. It's enough money.
  2. 16bitgium

    iq_132's Neo Geo ports

    thanks @iq_132 the checksum is correct. I redownloaded it now I get a completely black screen (except for fonts they still show). the actual Neo Geo boot screen doesn't load as well
  3. 16bitgium

    iq_132's Neo Geo ports

    actually, I don't even know what that means :D. What is a CRC32 and what is a 48666C12? I just downloaded this:
  4. 16bitgium

    iq_132's Neo Geo ports

    Will check tonight I just downloaded the zip in the first post here
  5. 16bitgium

    iq_132's Neo Geo ports

    Hi Man, I tried it on my Dark Soft AES cart and I get garbled graphics. The menu and title screen are totally fine but the game itself has garbled graphics:
  6. 16bitgium

    New game Xevious!

    Could somebody add it to the Multicarts?
  7. 16bitgium

    Darksoft Neo Multi Help thread

    OK but even when this works I can't get the ROM to be added to the menu. How do I do that? The game is available for patron supporters so I can't just share the rom:
  8. 16bitgium

    Darksoft Neo Multi Help thread

    @Mitsurugi-w I don't get this last part. I got two .c files .c1 and .c2. SO in the python file i change the two input1 and input2 files? Do I need to insert the whole path? If I execute the file nothing really happens... input1 = open("ngcdtdd0.c1","rb") input2 = open("ngcdtdd0.c2","rb") out1...
  9. 16bitgium

    Neotris, a new game for Neo Geo (tetris-like with 4P mode)

    Maybe you can contact the guys who are making Xenocrisis. they seem to able to sell a brand new AES game for £200 And they use all new parts nothing repurposed
  10. 16bitgium

    MITSU ATX-2-Naomi Power Adapters

    Can I still but one off these or all they all finished?
  11. 16bitgium

    PGM single game PCB assembly and troubleshooting

    Whoa those cases look great! Would you mind sharing the file so that we can 3d print these ourselves? And have the measurements of the plexiglass? the wholes to pullbakc the carts is a great idea. Even with standard carts I sometimes have issues with getting them out.
  12. 16bitgium

    PGM single game PCB assembly and troubleshooting

    @arcadeqc Would you be willing to burn and sell me a set of roms for Ketsui and ESPgaluda? I don't have a burner available but I would love to make these games myself!
  13. 16bitgium

    PGM single game PCB assembly and troubleshooting

    Is there anybody who would be willing to burn both ESPgaluda and Ketsui for me? I got the boards from Fluffy, know how to solder, but have never ever burned roms. Don't even own a burner. I could send you the mouser/digikey order and after burning have it send to me whilst I pay for shipping +...
  14. 16bitgium

    FS Some Arcade PCBs

    interested in twin eagle 2 if shipping to belgium isn't to horrid
  15. 16bitgium

    PGM single game PCB interest check

    Hi, I also didn't get a message but I just declared interest. Are there any still available?
  16. 16bitgium

    PGM single game PCB interest check

    Also declaring my interest in two sets of PCB's. Thanks!