Search results

  1. YourPalCeej

    WTB Data East MLC Dunk dream 95 & Stadium hero 96

    Is this the Dunk Dream you're looking for? Can ship out after new years. Cheers.
  2. YourPalCeej

    Namco 256 build issues

    Reviving this thread like a goober. I want to trade my Japanese language SoulCalibur 2 Dongle+Conquest Dongle for an English language one. Disc is not original. Have a nice day.
  3. YourPalCeej

    Resolved - YourPalCeej

    I'm sorry it took as long as it did. Cheers.
  4. YourPalCeej

    Resolved - YourPalCeej

    It's sent express as of today. More personal problems I shouldnt be letting get in the way. Advans has the tracking info. Sorry again for being shitty.
  5. YourPalCeej

    Resolved - YourPalCeej

    Having the panel shipped in the next 24 hours. I own this mistake 100%, have been back to hourly work fulltime as of August. My apologies.
  6. YourPalCeej

    WTB Panasonic MSX Turbo-R FS-A1GT

    He sadly wants the holy shit package with the ram and midi ports. Guy owns -multiple- x68000s, if that gives you any idea.
  7. YourPalCeej

    WTB Panasonic MSX Turbo-R FS-A1GT

    Nah you reality bonk the post all you want, it's not for me so I get it lol. But yeah he just lost an auction that went up to like 120K yen, so...Them's the breaks on the white whale of MSX hardware. Wonder if he could bridge the gap if I bought his old MSX2 off him?
  8. YourPalCeej

    WTB Panasonic MSX Turbo-R FS-A1GT

    Long shot, but looking for an MSX T-R for a buddy of mine, the slick looking Panasonic one. His asking is about 50K yen or $500USD. Let me know if we're not the only MSX fans left in North America. Cheers!
  9. YourPalCeej

    FS Naomi GD-Rom chip+disc+cases [From Canada]

    Do you collect or still use GD-Rom games? Maybe this is the thread for you. Add $20USD for shipping from Canada. Have a good one, eh?
  10. YourPalCeej

    FS Full box of MT3DX+ Cards (From Canada)

    I put on my robe and wizard hat.
  11. YourPalCeej

    FS Full box of MT3DX+ Cards (From Canada)

    Oh, you need the North American style frame? I think I can actually help with that. I have zero idea how we'd get it across the country though. You wanna take this business privately? Cheers. :)
  12. YourPalCeej

    FS Full box of MT3DX+ Cards (From Canada)

    For now, looking at it with PROFOUND SADNESS until my boss can help me secure another N2 or something. It's one of the steel frame Japanese cabs so it's got some chonk to it. You looking for empty husks, fellow Canuck?
  13. YourPalCeej

    FS Full box of MT3DX+ Cards (From Canada)

    The N2 in my cab died, so I'm not gonna need these anymore. Asking $125USD shipping included. Cheers.
  14. YourPalCeej

    FS Skull Fang Restored JAMMA PCB (From Canada) (SOLD)

    Consider it on the hold shelf for 72 hours!
  15. YourPalCeej

    FS Skull Fang Restored JAMMA PCB (From Canada) (SOLD)

    Works great, thought it had issues but it's my cab - Worked fine on another one. Label looks mint, 3 roms on the board have been replaced or restored - Have taped over the windowed roms for protection. Asking $250USD+S&H. Cheers!
  16. YourPalCeej

    Reverse engineering 161 in 1 cartridge to change Rom games

    new user, first message? hootie hoooooo
  17. YourPalCeej

    Naomi 2 NetBoot black screen most of the time

    How about the fans? They spinning alright? Pulse line connects them to the motherboard and if they don't spin great it won't boot, IIRC
  18. YourPalCeej

    WTB WTB: Naomi DIMM (not net)

    I see 'em floating for about $100USD on the forums, so I'd do $90USD+S&H.