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  1. papierkorb

    MITSU Buy your Konami Reproduction Sound Modules (©Caius) here!

    Need one for my Bucky o hare... hoping for am respond from @caius :) or maybe somebody here got one spare in Europe? thx!
  2. papierkorb

    PGM multicart interest check

    Still "might" or will ? @Darksoft and @Apocalypse ?
  3. papierkorb

    NAC Splitfire: JAMMA streaming solution

    ADD ME PLS ! :) thx :)
  4. papierkorb

    Mini Cute Arcade Cabinet

    Wow! Saw the project on Facebook...Love it ! ..need one if it will every bei posible in Europe....
  5. papierkorb

    Project Neon: New Shmup for the Neo Geo

    +1 TATE! Start the Kickstarter and I will pay ;)
  6. papierkorb

    My Capcom CPS2 Darksoft Built

    Just wanted to show you: New paintwork for my CPS2 Kit :) +Micro-sd extension +Matching kick-harness for my Astro City
  7. papierkorb

    My Sega STV Darksoft Built - wooden cover

    making a similar plate out of acrylic would probably even be easier.... I bought these wooden veneers and wanted to build somethin with them ;) I think nobody else will ever build a stv plate out of pear wood again^^
  8. papierkorb

    My Sega STV Darksoft Built - wooden cover

    Latest project : wooden cover for the sega stv darksoft Kit. Bought some pear wood veneer and clued a small board out of it. I really enjoyed the process and like my result :)
  9. papierkorb

    PGM multicart interest check

    +1 for sure!!
  10. papierkorb

    DARKSOFT How to convert music to be played with the STV Cart (start and stop sounds)

    Just got my STV Multi back...a friend installed it for me...and he added this nice audio feature. no need for LED...he added a game boy speaker to the cart^^ love it
  11. papierkorb

    ST-V multicart game selector with LCD screen

    [removed, wrong thread]
  12. papierkorb

    DARKSOFT --> STV Multi Cartridge Sales Thread -->

    My STV Multi arrived today
  13. papierkorb

    Hello from Germany

    Die Deutschen werden hier immer mehr...schlimm schlimm schlimm^^
  14. papierkorb

    Started to build a "little" MAK/ Supergun - Atomiswave-Strye-

    finished it today: video upcoming to youtube,soon: twitter: @FNeogeo
  15. papierkorb

    Started to build a "little" MAK/ Supergun - Atomiswave-Strye-

    Finished soldering... Just waiting for some white sanwa buttons.. hopefuly finishing it during the next weekend