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  1. Asure

    Cave CV1000-D bootlegs a hoy

    Out of curiousity, where did the package ship from?
  2. Asure

    Dragon Breed M72 issue

    Check dip switch block #2 dip 7 "freeze game".. "The few times I managed to start the game (on any of the cabs I own, except one) , there is always a problem with the controls ; It's either the joystick doesn't go down, or the jump button is not responding, the rest works fine." There is a...
  3. Asure

    Midway (Williams) Y unit (Z unit and T unit) Discussion, Serial Numbers etc

    I hope this is of use to you :)
  4. Asure

    MS 2930 not powering on in 31khz

    This reminded me of the time i had to use an Extron for getting a 360 to work. Similar issues here + solution.
  5. Asure

    Midway (Williams) Y unit (Z unit and T unit) Discussion, Serial Numbers etc

    @neotendo I was too busy w/ real life work things, and will get back to you.
  6. Asure

    This NARC Bootleg tho...

    I know it's been a while, but did you (or anyone here) managed to get this? The auction is long gone, but the image that's left online seems to suggest CGA output or maybe a converter was used for testing. Very curious pcb.
  7. Asure

    Cave CV1000-D bootlegs a hoy

    Maybe they are harvesting Medal Mahjong Bancho, it seems more likely than finding tubes and trays full of old stock cpus, Altera and Yamaha IC's etc. but who knows. All the games are expensive at this point, i can't really explain this thing exists, it's quite an investment to reverse everything.
  8. Asure

    Cave CV1000-D bootlegs a hoy

    What game did you get? I played a ton of Futari 1.5 and can dream the slowdown, but the other games, not so much. Also, pics of the components so we can see datecodes perhaps? How's the soldering work, general quality of the pcb etc etc.. :)
  9. Asure

    Hangtime MAX + Teaser

    No tool, no docs, but you can learn 34010 asm, use notepad++ and compare the code before & after this change. I'm using actual 90's Midway tools that are 30 years old for all of this, in Dosbox-X.
  10. Asure

    Midway (Williams) Y unit (Z unit and T unit) Discussion, Serial Numbers etc

    All the *EQU* files for all the source code leaks contain these references to Y-Unit but they are not fully implemented. I'll see about making one with NTSC=1 and if that works properly i'll take a screenshot from Mame. (Midway left a lot of stuff in all the source that sometimes just doesn't...
  11. Asure

    Midway (Williams) Y unit (Z unit and T unit) Discussion, Serial Numbers etc

    MK2 source is a bit of a no-go area and i won't be caught distributing it, sorry. NTSC=1 modifies sysequ (the .if NTSC bit around line 175) and this is then available to use in the .asm files that .include sysequ.asm. All my modded code except MK2 is up on Github, you can start from the bottom...
  12. Asure

    Negative Feedback on Omar Fernandez aka Candy Cab King on instagram and Paypal name Horacio Hernandez AP name Arcade game

    It takes quite a few experiences to get up to that Ivory tower but being ripped off every time you believe in the good intentions that people had sure does help build the stairs. “Most of the evil in this world is done by people with good intentions.” ― T.S. Eliot
  13. Asure

    Cheap third party chassis option for WG 25" with CGM-2500?

    I'd check if i can use some tools to rotate the stub without the knob on it and see if you get signs of live. (One click clockwise to get it to 'set up' i'd say.)
  14. Asure

    Gun smoke freeze?

    Are you sure the game is running at proper+5V/5.1? The board interconnectors, as Caius mentions, they are the little ribbon grey flat cables between the boards, that's what you should check.
  15. Asure

    Identifying Q25 Wiring Harness Connector Part Numbers

    Looks like mate n lock, but i could be wrong.
  16. Asure

    Midway (Williams) Y unit (Z unit and T unit) Discussion, Serial Numbers etc

    Because i like more than one project, i'm porting NBA Jam TE into Wolf unit as well. *T-Unit gfx space was full, making it impossible to add more players. Also some amazing DCS tools got released that allow much faster creation of sound roms. (as well as running DCS Sound board on a PI..)...
  17. Asure

    Dodonpachi Campaign Ver.

    Just a thought, you are 100% sure the party that sent you something is who they are claiming to be? I've seen projects getting stopped by competing coders/hackers claiming to be companies and creating fake mails/messages/docs etc.
  18. Asure

    Midway (Williams) Y unit (Z unit and T unit) Discussion, Serial Numbers etc

    @SCUBA King : Thanks man. Just wait till Super Maximum Hangtime drops and youll be even more amazed :)
  19. Asure

    Irem M92 - boot or not a boot?

    Korean, and the sound section doesn't have leaky caps. Then there's a whole discussion about the korea vs japan import things and 'korean brands first' that i don't wanna get into. Do you want to play the game, or do you want to collect pcb's from Japan with labels and no duct tape?