Search results

  1. TerryBogard

    Japanese Sega Lindbergh Power supply Alternative.

    Thanks a lot my brother. Virtual manly hug to you.
  2. TerryBogard

    Japanese Sega Lindbergh Power supply Alternative.

    Hi everyone. I’m looking for a more modern power supply for my Japanese Sega Lindbergh. The power supply I am using works but it is super loud and it revs up and down as if it was on its last breaths. I searched online but I couldn’t find any alternative that had the same ports. Please take a...
  3. TerryBogard

    Virtua Fighter 5 Cabinet Art Set (Sega Lindbergh)

    Virtual hug to you from Japan my friend.
  4. TerryBogard

    Vewlix Diamond Black/Orange Control Panel Backlighting Mod

    Update: I was thinking in the lines of something like this that could help backlight the move list area of the control panel. I added a pic.
  5. TerryBogard

    Vewlix Diamond Black/Orange Control Panel Backlighting Mod

    Hey guys! I was wondering, has anyone managed to mod their Vewlix Diamond Black/Orange cab so that the move list tray can hold some sort of led as a backlight? I have a Diamond black cab and there is only a very shallow metal tray to add the movelist paper but no space to add an led light...
  6. TerryBogard

    Sega Lindbergh JPN (& Noir) Appreciation Thread

    Here is a sticker I added that I got from Akihabara. It says that you will get kicked out if you bang the cabinet. 😂 There are other versions too. If you want one I can help you get one. 🥹
  7. TerryBogard

    Sega Lindbergh JPN (& Noir) Appreciation Thread

    Here are two pics of my Lindbergh.🥹
  8. TerryBogard

    Hi from Germany (Rüsselsheim)

    Welcome to arcade heaven! 🥹
  9. TerryBogard

    SEGA Lindbergh Mysterious Space for Sticker

    Thank you so much Ziggy Cheetos Dust! I am in great debt with you!🥹
  10. TerryBogard

    FS Vewlix Universal Monitor Mount

    You are a god.🥹 Thank you for your contribution…
  11. TerryBogard

    SEGA Lindbergh Mysterious Space for Sticker

    @Mrhide Yes! I have seen this pic before. I wonder if it’s an official place to put a sticker or maybe that person from the pic you posted just got creative. Maybe I’m just overthinking it. I’ve never seen any official stickers in Japan on Yahoo auction. If you think about it, most cabinets have...
  12. TerryBogard

    SEGA Lindbergh Mysterious Space for Sticker

    Thank you for the reply! However I was wondering about the space below. Check out the new pic I uploaded. Guaranteed it’s made for a sticker. It’s recessed and it would be a good spot to stick an instructions sticker. I’ve combed the internet and have found nothing. 😅
  13. TerryBogard

    SEGA Lindbergh Mysterious Space for Sticker

    Hey guys! I have been wondering for years what kind of sticker you place on the silver rectangular surface below the coin slot on the Sega Lindbergh. Here is a pic below. I bought an authentic Virtua Fighter 5 instruction sticker but it’s too long. It just doesn’t fit in that space! Does anyone...
  14. TerryBogard

    First bump from Tokyo.

    Thanks a lot! Yeah, my colleagues go nuts when I show them pics of my apartment. Many of them usually say “Your priorities are off”! Lol! 😂
  15. TerryBogard

    FS Universal joystick mount plate for Vewlix and Chewlix

    Hey man! You were right!! I bought the plate you mentioned and it totally worked! Thank you so much! I had to McGyver it a little but now I can use the Otto V5 mod on my Vewlix. Virtual bro hug to you!
  16. TerryBogard

    First bump from Tokyo.

    Th Thank you man! Maybe I should continue the series…☺️ Fist bump to you!
  17. TerryBogard

    First bump from Tokyo.

  18. TerryBogard

    First bump from Tokyo.

    Thanks for the kind words! 🥹 Let’s rock!
  19. TerryBogard

    FS Universal joystick mount plate for Vewlix and Chewlix

    T Thank you for the reply. I should have mentioned that I would like to use a Sanwa JLF so unfortunately I can’t use this plate. Thanks again my friend!
  20. TerryBogard

    First bump from Tokyo.

    Hi everyone! I am a proud owner of a Vewlix Diamond Black and Sega Lindbergh. I’ve been in this hobby for 7 years now. I also have a YouTube channel that is super small with maybe a couple of interesting videos (in English and Japanese, zero monetization)...