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  1. NoGoodCitizen

    ZN1 Bios <V2> board arrives!

    great stuff, keep up the good work.
  2. NoGoodCitizen

    ZN1 Bios <V2> board arrives!

    This is so exciting and now that I have a good donor board, I'm really looking forward to the finished product. Thank you for your hard work!
  3. NoGoodCitizen

    ZN1 Bios <V2> board arrives!

    beautiful work. count me in as an early adopter once this gets into full swing.
  4. NoGoodCitizen

    SFEX2 ZN2 no music, at wit's end, please help

    Is it possible to probe those with the audio probe? I apologize, I'm something of a novice on this topic.
  5. NoGoodCitizen

    SFEX2 ZN2 no music, at wit's end, please help

    I don't have an audio probe, I suppose I should pick one up.. edit: i actually have one already (in a way) thanks to my old days in IT - I can hear SFX coming through pins 1 and 7, but no BGM :(
  6. NoGoodCitizen

    SFEX2 ZN2 no music, at wit's end, please help

    Thanks Ekorz, I'm going to go ahead and replace the amps at the large heatsink and report back. I appreciate the insight. Cheers
  7. NoGoodCitizen

    SFEX2 ZN2 no music, at wit's end, please help

    Hi everyone! I don't post very often (I'm more of a lurker) because I'd rather read/learn than weigh in with my usually incorrect observations. I have an SFEX2 ZN2 board I inherited from a friend of mine, and it plays great with no issues, except it does not play BGMs. There was a bit of...
  8. NoGoodCitizen

    ZN1 Bios <V2> board arrives!

    Super excited to see how this develops, thank you for your hard work.
  9. NoGoodCitizen

    Capcom ZN Conversion/Multi Interest Thread

    This is awesome. Progress!
  10. NoGoodCitizen

    Capcom ZN Conversion/Multi Interest Thread

    IDK how much help I can be, but the ZN2 I have is SFEX2 (not plus). Let me know if I can assist somehow.
  11. NoGoodCitizen

    Capcom ZN Conversion/Multi Interest Thread

    bumping this because I just happened to get a ZN2 board, would love a multi
  12. NoGoodCitizen

    Pre-Order For Mini Cute Production

    I don't check this forum daily and when I have checked it, it's mostly been arguing and disagreement. Please consider it from the perspective of someone who doesn't participate often and just wanted a hassle free purchase. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  13. NoGoodCitizen

    Pre-Order For Mini Cute Production

    I gotta be honest, I think I'm going to pull out for now. This seemed promising at first but the hangups that stand in front of us now are too much for me to gamble on. Hopefully there's a better resolution in store going forward.
  14. NoGoodCitizen

    Pre-Order For Mini Cute Production

    I definitely want a 19" monitor, so I'm hoping to hear good news.
  15. NoGoodCitizen

    Pre-Order For Mini Cute Production

    Please put me down for a pink one!
  16. NoGoodCitizen

    WTB Wanted: Blast City Versus Kit

    Subject is pretty self explanatory. I have two Blasts that are set up to work with eachother in a sort of poverty fashion, I would like to get ahold of the bare minimum to have a more flexible setup with less clutter if at all possible. I know it's a long shot but I figured I would ask. Located...
  17. NoGoodCitizen

    New CPS2 multi running on MSHvsSF B board - LCD issues, texture issues

    Update. I re-flowed the jumpers that were initially set by Capcom. Everything is fine now.
  18. NoGoodCitizen

    New CPS2 multi running on MSHvsSF B board - LCD issues, texture issues

    @Mitsurugi-w - I moved all the kit components over to a new B board. The graphics are fine now & everything is in working order, though the sound appears to be sped up/distorted as per what would happen without J17 jumped to Pin 7 of the PAL F. However, I have pin 7 wired up to j17. All the...
  19. NoGoodCitizen

    New CPS2 multi running on MSHvsSF B board - LCD issues, texture issues

    well, for some reason the LCD started working. Not gonna ask questions, so, cool. now to find another dead B board...