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  1. Exroath

    Request - Vewlix C 2L16B

    Hey Alberto, I would love a panel from you. Do you sell vewlix sub panels too? Cheers!
  2. Exroath

    Namco 357c / 369 to Vewlix C

    Hey folks, looking at picking up one of these for tekken tag 2. Is there anything I need to get this working in the vewlix? Other than switching to a JVS I/O from the fast I/O there isnt much info on this. Cheers!
  3. Exroath

    Taito Type3 fastio missing part (needed or not?)

    Hey I recently picked up a TTX3 from ebay, everything seems to working. (It is yet to go into a cab). I have noticed its missing the part shown in the image. Is this required for anything to function? Cheers!