Search results

  1. Chelnov

    LG Monitor maybe a CRT replacement?

    So seeing this monitor What do you guys think? you can rotate it on its side and it is almost like the size of a 29 inch CRT.
  2. Chelnov

    Monitor Bezel Cut-out

    Hey everyone, I just saw this bezel in ebay with multiple ways to be cut out to fit different cabs. I was wondering if there is a scan of this anywhere on the internet. If there isn't I was thinking on buying it a...
  3. Chelnov

    Positive Feedback for seifus

    Seifus Profile: Positive feedback as a seller. Seifus was the buyer He bough some analogue products from me. He paid right away before I sent the goods; was patient and understanding when I told him that the package will take sometime to...
  4. Chelnov

    WTB Sega Naomi 2

    Looking for a NAOMI 2, please PM me if you have one for sale.
  5. Chelnov

    CPS3 Issue

    Hey everyone, I plugged in my CPS3 for the first time in a couple of months and this is what I see now. Does anyone knows what this could be? It happens as soon as I turn the PCB on.
  6. Chelnov

    degaussing cable question

    Is this a big deal or can i just retape it and put it back in the monitor?
  7. Chelnov

    Name that Chassis

    Hey everyone, Is there anyone out there that knows what chassis brand and model this could be?? Thanks!!!
  8. Chelnov

    FS E-SWAT daughter board + encrypted CPU

    If anyone is interested PM me. Send me what you think is a fair offer and I will likely take it.
  9. Chelnov

    Namco system 1 repair Services?

    Anyone here offers repair services for Namco system 1. all of the sudden My board is having sprite issues.
  10. Chelnov

    SOLD Analogue MegaSG, SuperNT and DAC

    ALL ITEMS SOLD!!! Hey everyone, I have an analogue MegaSG, SuperNT and DAC for sale. they are opened and I have use them but they look brand new. I'm not a reseller but I want to recoup as much money as I can so I'm selling them for the analogue price + shipping. If you are interested let me...
  11. Chelnov

    Breakout/Arkanoid spinner Question

    So I'm thinking in doing a Breakout/Arkanoid Cab out of a galaga cab replica that I have. Can anyone give me some pointers in witch spinner to get? I tried to source an original but I can't find any.
  12. Chelnov

    Unico phoenix monitors - Opinions?

    Hey everyone, I'm sure that everyone has heard about this new 26' LCD monitors with the old aspect ratio being released by Unico soon. I would like to get your take on them. Of course leaving out the differences between CRTs and LCDs what do you think of this product? Anyone planning to buy...
  13. Chelnov

    Using TVs as Arcade monitors

    The Other I found a interesting open source board called Dek's RBG to component Transcoder. This actually looks like something I would love to try but reading at the notes I found that some resistors will have to be a different value for Arcade boards "For arcade boards you will need to...
  14. Chelnov

    Positive feedback for djsheep

    It looks like I did it wrong. I will add my positive feedback to
  15. Chelnov

    WTB Outrun Arcade Spare parts!

    Do you have extra part for an upright outrun cabinet? Please PM me! I'm really looking for a gas pedal if possible!. but i also need other stuff Thanks
  16. Chelnov

    Finally got one and at a Good Price!! - OutRun

    Just got it for like $215 it appears to be complete but who knows!! there maybe a lot of work ahead or not that much! any...
  17. Chelnov

    Control panel layouts

    Hello again everyone, So does anyone knows a good place where i can find measurements on where do drill holes for control panels? This place has a good bunch. but I'm looking for measurements for control panels with 3 buttons like Double Dragon or...
  18. Chelnov

    27 Inch monitor recomendations

    Which 27 inch monitor will you say is the best I'm looking for FULL-RANGE monitors. So far i'm looking at the WG-D9200 but the reviews i see online are mixed. Who know maybe they are great and ppl only complain when they have issues. Thanks everyone!
  19. Chelnov

    How can I hide scratches in the side-art

    Anyone one has any advice on how to hide side-art scratches? It doesn't have to be perfect. just good enough so is not the first thing you see when you look at it but you can still see it when you are looking for it. Thanks everyone!
  20. Chelnov

    New CRT monitor purchases as of May 2021 - Do you know any good sites?

    Hey everyone, Does anyone knows good sites where you can still purchase CRT monitors? So far I only know of this one > If you guys know any other sites that STILL sell CRT in 2021 please let me know. Thanks!