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  1. LWK

    Sega Net City JVS, controls do nothing.

    I am running a KOF 2002 UM. JVS is connected, USB connector, etc. I get nothing from my controls. Anyone have a similar issue? Any idea what the issue might be? I'm getting ready to pull up the side rail and make sure the wiring is good there also..
  2. LWK

    WTB I need a replacement good condition green top half to a CPS-2 B board.

    Had a good day today and a entire section cracked out of my Rockman 2. I now need a new top half. Please PM me if you can help. Hell, one with a Rockman 2 sticker intact with be awesome, but I won't hold my breath on that.
  3. LWK

    I need to know where to source these pot's.

    Any help appreciated. I am restoring a vega 9000 DX and wanna put two new ones in. One of the posts broke off the other pot at some point in its life span. I'd prefer the posts to not be plastic, but whatever works. I want the pot to have the two grounded side pins.
  4. LWK

    Need the name of these capacitors..

    They are from a CPS2 B board, they are labeled as ESXC. They have three legs. Not sure of the exact name. Need to order a few.
  5. LWK

    Question on using Appliance Epoxy Spray Paint

    I have a variety of candy's I want to restore away from a yellowed plastic state. Currently I am restoring a Net City. I am just curious. Do I sand and primer the plastic before using this stuff, or just throw it right on there?
  6. LWK

    Toei A292 Chassis

    This chassis originally did not work... Swapped the HOT, it fired up... I had even recapped it. It was great, screen looked good, it was finally working again. Well, then the HOT blew again, large squeal sound that was there originally. Thought maybe it was the flyback, swapped it for one of my...