Search results

  1. ArcadeMachinist

    RESOLVED: SEGA "Y Board" aka SuperScaler system. (G-Loc 1991)

    I had this board working about a year ago. Tried to run it yesterday and it would not boot. MAME for ref: I looks like First MC68k CPU IC12 (315-5314 on MAME ascii art schematic), is stuck in a boot loop, 2 other MC68ks are...
  2. ArcadeMachinist

    FS FREE: Taito cab-2-cab chat system (part of it)

    Free for anyone who wants it and pays shipping from FL 32218. These are 2 client terminals. The system usualy has a hub and 4 terminals. So you must already have a hub or willing to search for it on YAJ/elsewhere. I personally saw this thing connected to Dissidia FF cabinets. If no one...
  3. ArcadeMachinist

    FS SEGA Harley-Davidson LA riders Deluxe

    Considering selling this cabinet to make more space for new projects. Projection screen was refitted with DLP projector. See more details on the conversion here: Very...
  4. ArcadeMachinist

    FS GONE: FREE: SONY KV27v42 TV, RGB modded.

    Located Florida 32218, pickup only. Has some minor discoloration at the bottom left of the screen (not in the photo), should be degaussed with a coil. My old project, done for myself, but didn't use it a single time in 2 years, so may be it needs a new loving home. Comes with a TV stand, if...
  5. ArcadeMachinist

    General thoughts on CRT rear projection parts

    I really want to start picking up all those free curbside projection TVs locally, check them up, then remove and store the projection unit for future use. Like for restoring SEGA cabinets. While these things still popup here time to time. Space permitting, should be able to hoard ~20 units...
  6. ArcadeMachinist

    SONY 53" CRT projection TV RGB-modded

    Finally ran across CRT rear projection TV with nice tubes. Modded it with RGB inputs, in case I would want to fit into some SEGA game. For now would be my primary jammaTV.
  7. ArcadeMachinist

    FS FREE: SEGA Projection TV parts

    I have "upgraded" CRT projection to DLP. Everything was working when removed, just the tubes were old, dim and with some burnin. If anyone needs any parts from this to fix their own SEGA projector (not sure if it is Toshiba or Mitsubishi) - it is free, you just pay shipping from 32218. I would...
  8. ArcadeMachinist

    SEGA Harley-Davidson LA Riders - CRT projection TV to DLP conversion.

    First of all I would have prefered to keep CRT, if that was possible at all. I even got huge 4:3 SONY CRT projection TV as a donor, but realized it also is not bright, as it should be, anymore. I guess with last CRT rear projectors made decades ago it is not that easy to run across one with...
  9. ArcadeMachinist

    21" CRT - Need 2nd opinion

    21" CRT Original chassis had flyback shorted. Had the chassis replaced with a cheap chineese one. Geomery looks perfect, but the colors are completly off. Degauss does nothing. I guess the tube is way over it's usefull life? Or I'm missing smth?
  10. ArcadeMachinist

    Cruis'n USA full motion restoration

    No, this is not an overgrown kiddie-ride. This is (I believe) rare full motion cabinet with Cruis'n USA game. It has standard CUSA pcb, which supports motion, if correct DIP is ON and special motion handling extra boards are connected, which it has plenty. This cab has some problems with PCB...
  11. ArcadeMachinist

    WTB Cruis'n USA neon topper, Deluxe parts and manuals

    Cruis'n USA neon topper (2 seater top marque) Cruis'n USA deluxe (motion) manuals (scans ok too!) Cruis'n USA misc parts: motor control PCBs, decal stickers, etc.
  12. ArcadeMachinist

    SEGA G-Loc: complete restoration saga.

    I would be posting some pictures of my current restoration project. SEGA G-Loc Deluxe flight simulator - R360's smaller brother. Got this machine with completly dead lower part, looks like sometime ago it was stored outside (rust and corrosion) and it was home for a rat family too (major parts...
  13. ArcadeMachinist

    Sanwa OSBN-24, but with different thread pitch?

    I wonder if Sanwa OSBN-24 (screw in) buttons thread pitch was changed one day? Red button you see here (picture from eBay) on the throttle lever is OSBN-24, with Sanwa marks, etc. But... it has smaller thread pitch, so newer OSBN-24 won't fit the joystick. I wonder if it was some custom order...
  14. ArcadeMachinist

    SEGA Lindbergh cabinet "upgraded" with LG 1080 monitor.

    So one of SEGA Lindbergh monitors, I have in the arcade, recently died. Problem was in the backlight driver, that would go off 10-20 seconds after beeing powered on. This seemed beoynd reasonable repair effort (and origianl monitor is crap anyway with heavily worn screen). So I have took the...
  15. ArcadeMachinist

    WTB Vewlix F/FC in Europe

    Looking for 1 or 2 original cabinets in Europe. If you know where I should look for them - let me know.
  16. ArcadeMachinist

    DIMM compatible memory chips?

    I bet this topic was raised here few times before, but I wasn't able to find it with search. Is there a list of compatible memory chips for the DIMMs? From what I see - some work, some don't. Someone already tried compiling a list? I've got some Infineon (HYB39S256800DT) based mem (512Mb total...
  17. ArcadeMachinist

    Sanwa 29E31S strange behaviour

    Good day, masters! I have recently aquired 2 nice Naomi Universal Cabs and one of them has weird monitor problems. The picture is compressed when it is just powered on, but after a few minutes, when it warms up - it becomes so wide and tall that it does not fit the screen. I have tried front...