Recent content by vastar

  1. vastar

    Irem M92 Multi Game Support

    looking forward to play R-Type Leo, In the Hunt and Gunforce I+II, also not to forget Blade Master, very good side-scroller. However I never played Undercover Cops and In the Hunt in the arcade, looking forward for both, too. This multi is a must for me.
  2. vastar

    Irem M92 Multi Game Support

    very interested in this multi, I have one M-92 left. count me in, thanks for this cool work!
  3. vastar

    FS For Sale: several PCBs from ATARI

    another update on Indiana Jones
  4. vastar

    FS For Sale: several PCBs (Taito, Namco, Konami, Sega, Irem, etc.)

    Interesting, thank you guy for all your input. According to MAME sourcecode ( the main board number for Nebulas Ray is: Namco main PCB: NB-1 8634961101, (8634963101) this is the number on my board while on Nem's board...
  5. vastar

    FS For Sale: several PCBs (Taito, Namco, Konami, Sega, Irem, etc.)

    The small board looks original imo, but I may be wrong. Would be interested to see the one, too. Then it could by kind of desucided or so? I am not so into Namco I must admit.
  6. vastar

    FS For Sale: several PCBs (Taito, Namco, Konami, Sega, Irem, etc.)

    ok, thanks, I will remove it from my listing completely. so I got framed by the seller by then, I have to look up who this was but I fear it is years back. what may the conversion be worth as fair price?
  7. vastar

    FS For Sale: several PCBs (Taito, Namco, Konami, Sega, Irem, etc.)

    ok, I made pictures in a haste, here: have made 4 closer ones per side. let me know what you think, I will in the meantime remove the board from my listing because I do not want to sell something without knowing if it's a conversion, if I only had known when I...
  8. vastar

    FS For Sale: several PCBs (Taito, Namco, Konami, Sega, Irem, etc.)

    I need to take new pictures, the old ones are a bit unsharp in the edge, I will post them here.
  9. vastar

    FS For Sale: several PCBs (Taito, Namco, Konami, Sega, Irem, etc.)

    I can not confirm, but it is likely a conversion now that you point me at it. However the board is in the same condition as I received it when I bought it by then, only the original owner could answer this 100%. I will reduce it (again) to avoid issues, thank you Ace.