Recent content by TylerDurden67

  1. TylerDurden67

    Any sort of Naomi repair guide out there?

    its here too
  2. TylerDurden67


    90% I tried to flash 4.02 directly (of course after extracting main firmware file) I got issues (black screen And others...) Have you tested on more than 1 dimmboard?
  3. TylerDurden67

    [Tutorial] Naomi reading compact flash on 'normal' non-net dimmboard

    there ils no jumper for this configuration Just use correct tsop 48/56 or équivalent from your dimmboard otherwise it wont work (error 22)
  4. TylerDurden67

    Naomi 2: Dead - Where to start?

    yes,doesnt works. You can have différents brand on the motherboard,but dont mix the pairs. Its better to reinstall rams like it was by factory. But equivalents works too
  5. TylerDurden67

    Naomi 2: Dead - Where to start?

    You're right Slow motion and checkboard is ram issue. Just verify that ic09 ils displayed.99% of thé time, it stuck at thé next IC(so 09 OK but next one bad) Its better to change it by pair(check thé IC near the bad's one) And both must be same brand and model! I bought it mainly on alibaba...
  6. TylerDurden67

    Naomi 2: Dead - Where to start?

    you know, its almost 20 years old hardware on naomi. Ram are pc like, and finally died like all others things. It can be repaired, but its expansive, like i told you somes posts before, except if you are the luckiest man of this world and change exactly whats wrong : -) but ifyou are thatguy...
  7. TylerDurden67

    Naomi 2: Dead - Where to start?

    your Naomi can boot without c29 too You know,an Naomi 1 is like 30/40€ max. Each RAM cost 5/7€ pcs ,need to be changed by two I cant remember exactly but the main one is the less number IC. Good luck! :thumbsup:
  8. TylerDurden67

    [Tutorial] Naomi reading compact flash on 'normal' non-net dimmboard

    you're right too I even got somes dimmboard that doesnt works using GD daughter board with firmware >3.17 Maybe due to somes settings stores on it or simply old révision of the board
  9. TylerDurden67

    Naomi 2 repair log

    no need to reflow,just replace it
  10. TylerDurden67

    Naomi 2: Dead - Where to start?

    if you have time to spend (and money too), start by changing main ram (by pair) and continue to make it boot but if one fan was dead,i "might" be possible that this gpu is dead too. on naomi 2,using 1 gpu can be possible,but it react like an naomi1 and one gpu is the main one,if its dead,there...
  11. TylerDurden67

    [Tutorial] Naomi reading compact flash on 'normal' non-net dimmboard

    sometimes,you got weird stuffs like this specially using old firmwared dimmboard
  12. TylerDurden67

    [Tutorial] Naomi reading compact flash on 'normal' non-net dimmboard

    dump are already been done.upgrading directly without netdim will simply brick your board
  13. TylerDurden67

    Naomi won't boot with net dimm installed

    everything is going to die one day Caps are usually getting old and it's tolerance aren't enough to make it working great. Japanese cab are designed to work at 100v. Caps have 10/15% tolerance when new. If you have 230v at home but sometimes it's change, depends of your local transformator...
  14. TylerDurden67

    Naomi won't boot with net dimm installed

    try by removing daughter board of your netdimm You'll will an error 22 but if it boot, you have found the problem. But for me it can be more an psu problem. Check that you got 100v or almost
  15. TylerDurden67

    DARKSOFT Games Fixed to work with DIMM

    got a lots of them, due to somes dimmboard upgrade. I will archive it and give you the link