Recent content by theonegoku

  1. T

    DBZ Zenkai setup

    Oof, didnt think about that, thanks for the heads up
  2. T

    DBZ Zenkai setup

    Hi all, I made a spontaneous purchase on deal for a namco 357 zenkai pcb and am making plans for setup while it's on the way here. I have a couple of custom cabs and control panels lieing around, but have never worked with namco before. Is it as easy as grabbing a capcom i/o jamma...
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    WTB Taito X3 Touchscreen

    I have a Puzzles and Dragons Taito Type X3, but my deal on a touchscreen monitor fell through, looking for an original monitor that came with the X3, would put my mind at ease vs a normal touchscreen that may not be optimal for quick and accurate touch inputs. Thank you. -Theo
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    Hello from Germany

    Good morning from Germany, Long time lurker, first time poster. I am an American working as a software engineer in Germany and got the arcade itch. It's the tale told a thousand times of boy grows up with video games, boy discover console emulators, boy travels to japan and falls...