Recent content by opooly

  1. opooly

    FS Darksoft Multi Taito v1 + Others

    PGM + games added
  2. opooly

    FS Darksoft Multi Taito v1 + Others

    Selling the following, everything is working: Darksoft Taito F3 v1: 600 out PGM board + ESP galuda + box, cover, label + DDP dai ou jou + box, cover, label + Kestui + box, cover, label Price 450€ out Drago Ninja DataEast 180 out MS PacMan Midway 180 out Sold Darksoft CPS2: 900 out...
  3. opooly

    AfterBurner 2: Enhanced Edition : how to contact (dj)yt?

    He was active on, maybe worth to contact him there as well.
  4. opooly

    Interest Check: Pre-made upgraded 161-in-1 multicarts - All spots filled - 11/13 : WAITLIST

    Sounds good! I received today the 2 MVS blue v3 cart. I will ship them to you either today or tomorrow.
  5. opooly

    Reverse engineering 161 in 1 cartridge to change Rom games

    My bad I answered to quickly :) I just spoke with the vendor, AES v3 version is this one:
  6. opooly

    Reverse engineering 161 in 1 cartridge to change Rom games

    This is the correct one but worth double checking with the vendor.
  7. opooly

    New French Guy

    Ah cool encore un Francais, bienvenu ici
  8. opooly

    Hello from France

    Salut! et bienvenu ici :)
  9. opooly

    Positive feedback for Uroko Sakanabito

    Requested a Master disk for x68000 on the thread, Uroko sent me it plus plenty of games!!!! What can I say, great guy! I will definitely do more buisness with him! Thanks again!
  10. opooly

    Sharp X68000 error message Won't boot to Front end

    @ShootTheCore that s cool, Uroko will send it to me from Germany. Thanks all!
  11. opooly

    Sharp X68000 error message Won't boot to Front end

    Details sent, bought it at Jauce
  12. opooly

    Sharp X68000 error message Won't boot to Front end

    Yes it does, at least showing the well know insert boot disk window :)