Recent content by mv1f

  1. mv1f

    DARKSOFT CPS2 Multikit: Instructions and videos (old version till 10.2020)

    Thank you for this! But I'm also a little confused because you say "DO NOT USE with Champion Edition" but the file I ended up with is called CPS2_Champion_Edition_Mac_Fix.rar Is this actually the right file?
  2. mv1f

    Mach 111 programming algorythm

    I'm assuming the data sheet you have is this one? That one mentions another data sheet called "MACH ISP Manual" which looks like this one maybe? which makes it...
  3. mv1f

    MiSTer FPGA

    Please don’t do this. If you want to correct him please do, but just posting insults isn’t adding anything useful.
  4. mv1f

    Painting Sega Candy Cabs

    I'm no expert but I spent a lot of time reading about all the peroxide/retrobrite/etc techniques so I could use it on my own yellow cabs and I came to the same conclusion. From what I read the yellow will eventually slowly return anyway. On top of all that, getting an even coating and sun/UV...
  5. mv1f

    CPS1 Multi. Official Thread

    Can we stop getting upset at people who are disappointed at not getting a qsound? It’s not entitled to want original hardware, roll the dice and then not get it. If we didn’t care about original hardware we’d just be running mister instead of making excited posts about winning the qsound...
  6. mv1f

    FS Let's (Respectfully) talk about the Rules™

    I don't think this will really do anything but generate BS intro posts. Same as requiring post count. FWIW I never posted an intro post because I'm pretty private and I don't see any use for it because I'm not going to share anything interesting. If I was required to post one I would just post...
  7. mv1f

    ALL.Net P-ras MULTI Version 3 manual pdf

    You can get the manual here:
  8. mv1f

    Netboot Naomi With EEPROM Presets!

    Sorry I should have tested more. Adding --force appears to suppress the prompt. So that should make the full command patch -R --dry-run --force -p0 -i newlib.patch || patch -N -p0 -i newlib.patch And yeah, that return of 1 even when it ignores the patch is what I was trying to avoid. As I was...
  9. mv1f

    Netboot Naomi With EEPROM Presets!

    This is all super awesome! Thanks so much for all your hard work @DragonMinded . This code is all very high-quality. I did have to make a couple of changes to the homebrew env setup Makefile to get it to work on MacOS and made a couple of small quality of life changes (adding a prefix var I can...
  10. mv1f

    SEGA Alls not booting

    @AMS what cab do you have? There were some number of PRas versions before the PRas v3. Maybe you're talking about one of those? Or maybe a kit for a particular game? The v3 manual doesn't mention any LEDs like that and I don't see any in the cabs I have.
  11. mv1f

    SEGA Alls not booting

    The LED strips in the PRas3 aren't plain RGB LEDs where you can connect a pin to turn a color on. They're neopixel/WS2812 LEDs that are controlled by serial connection to the ALLS. This makes it even better since you can do way more with them. You can get more details in the owners thread here...
  12. mv1f

    SEGA Alls not booting

    Stupid question but, is the switch on the ALLs power supply switched on? The one by the plug on the case.
  13. mv1f

    FS K C Game sale

    I've done it. Can confirm!
  14. mv1f

    Help me identify this naomi IO board

    If you hook it up to a JVS system and go to the test menu it should identify itself. Though I think @Derick2k is right and it will probably lie.
  15. mv1f

    FS K C Game sale

    What makes you say there's no room? It's not just what exists today but what they might want to create in the future. I think the home button is a hint at the thought process. They could release a game that has more than eight buttons, or a twin-stick game, etc. In which case they just use the...