Recent content by irepairsega

  1. I

    7800 GS AGP Help

    Sorry on late replay here. If you have 6 series card, most likely your game software is only going to allow that card to work. Such as with Lets Go Jungle and some HOD4, there are different versions of software that allow different cards. When I change out a 6 series for a 7800, if Lindy won't...
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    FS Sega Naomi 2 Boards Carrier Air Wing Original Capcom Jamma PCB Working

    Just chiming in here. In looking at box in pic I assumed BGA damage right away. After receiving pcb for repair, I found it would run fine on Naomi 1 carts but would freeze on Naomi 2 carts. No BGA damage found. No shipping damage found. Replacing RAM at IC106/107 took care of issue. Simple cheap...
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    Error 66 on boot anyone?

    I just noticed this string. E66 has to do with bad or wrong region stored in EEROM on mobo near the RAM sockets on edge of pcb.
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    TTx2 + Sega JVS I/O

    Just curious why you are using this I/O Bd rather than standard JVS. We only used this I/O Bd with games that used a motor drive system to inface with that system.
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    Sega Rally 2 weak force feedback

    Dip switch settings for force feedback strength are on DS bank 1 on the Drive Control Bd. All off = weak and all on = strong. Good luck finding a manual that shows this. Closest I could find was a Super GT manual showing it.
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    My naomi died

    I have seen many Naomi as well as N2 dropping out like this more and more over the last four years. 95% of the time its the RAM around SH4. Yes there are many reasons for a N1 or N2 to die but if the GPU fans spinnin and set has proper power, no one has been dinkin with it, I bet its these RAM...
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    Triforce Error 4 Media Bd

    Turns out the serial ID is stored in FLASH along with firmware on Media Bd. All of my files were corrupted so no way to confirm. But thank to Joe at Jomac its all happy now.
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    Triforce Error 4 Media Bd

    Just curious if anyone has encounters error 4 from Media Bd type 3 Triforce. This just happened on my test unit I have been using for like 18 years. Its set up to run GDROM, CF, SSD and I have updated firmware obviously. It just came up with this error 4, Bad serial number on media bd. Sure...
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    WTF fried VGA ground traces?

    Little late on this one but I thought I would tag in here. This is a paper I wrote up a long time ago. I also have a sheet on nice fix. email me if you would like to see it. Sega Naomi / Hikaru Loss of Video Problem Problem: Video loss, shadows in video, dark video or rolling vertical sync...
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    WWE Royal Rumble specifications and questions.

    WWF was a single Naomi setup with dual JVS I/O Bds. I do have a pdf of the useless manual I can send you. Just email me at It would have been a cool idea for Virtua Tennis to run on this cab but it would just be same view both monitors so kind of useless. WWF worked because...
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    Preparing a Hikaru BGA Chip for Re-installation

    I just want to say very well done so far. I am glad to see you picking this up. I was the last of three people that worked on these in the world and I stopped doing these a couple years ago. I will still do reflows for opens but that it now. Everything you are doing so far is dead on perfect...
  12. I

    Need help with Naomi gun board

    Careful with this tracking bd. Make sure you are using the Sega Gun Input Protection Bd or at least fuse protect the tracking bd 12vdc input at 1/2amp (500ma) fast blow. If your guns damage this one, it can brick it really quick. I can fix 99% of the 1st and 2nd gen units. On these 3rd gen ones...
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    anyone know a place that repairs naomi boards that had the cap splatter

    I'm here. First post. Yes I can take pretty much anything Sega from 86 up. Some older items I'm iffy on but for sure from Model 2 up thru Lindbergh I'm good.