Recent content by GhaleonUnlimited

  1. GhaleonUnlimited

    FS Famicom Mart: NESRGB Modded AV FC, AV Modded OG FCs, Stock OG FCs, FDSKey + RAM Adapter. Free carts with every purchase 🙌

    Weird question but do you happen to have any pics of the Ace mod you did for the AV Fami? I tried doing my own and I had trouble with the RETRORGB instructions, and my NES RGB AV Fami is kind of a mess now. If you know of any other tutorial or anything okay let me know! I would consider buying...
  2. GhaleonUnlimited

    FS FS: Neo Geo Pocket Color Collection

    Free bump for a question : how hard is it to mod the screen with a light? I just got a system for the first time and it's kind of impossible to see lol
  3. GhaleonUnlimited

    FS Sega Dreamcast Accessories

    PMd with offer!
  4. GhaleonUnlimited

    FS NAC Splitfire (Brand New)

    Thank you! I have bunch of expenses I have to take care of first, but if this is available in a month I will grab it for sure. Feel free to ping me even if it's available and I haven't thought to check in. Thanks for the Pic! If someone comes up and I need it sooner I will hit you up ASAP
  5. GhaleonUnlimited

    FS NAC Splitfire (Brand New)

    Hello! Pics? I know there are a few diff versions. I have 2 but might use another. Thanks!
  6. GhaleonUnlimited

    FS Console Games: SNES/N64/GCN/GBA/PS1/PS2/PS3/Xbox/X360

    Good stuff! Nice prices, makes me wish I hadn't bought a few of these on ebay last year. Pmd!
  7. GhaleonUnlimited

    SOLD Mega Drive/Genesis Collection For Sale (Prices Now Posted)

    It's def more expensive to do so than a few years ago, but Genesis stuff in box is generally half the price or less compared to the ridiculousness of NES/64/SNES.
  8. GhaleonUnlimited

    SOLD Mega Drive/Genesis Collection For Sale (Prices Now Posted)

    Heyo, I'd be interested in some of what you have for sure. I have a bunch of them but Aleste, Steel Empire, Biohazard, prob a couple more. Happy to talk whenever!
  9. GhaleonUnlimited

    Help-Blast City no picture - reversed deflecting yoke connectors (for 180 degree image flip )

    Thanks! I do have that black goop shit in there, which I never noticed before. From just reading a little it sounds like it'll keep going for awhile but has an expiration and nothing can really be done about the black crap, huh
  10. GhaleonUnlimited

    Help-Blast City no picture - reversed deflecting yoke connectors (for 180 degree image flip )

    Hey thanks everyone for your suggestions. I fired it up today and it came on no problem. Then I tried reversing both plugs and it worked fine as well 180-degree flipped. No idea what was up but that was a worrisome 24 hours lol
  11. GhaleonUnlimited

    Help-Blast City no picture - reversed deflecting yoke connectors (for 180 degree image flip )

    The Namco Classics vol 1 and 2 are 180-flipped and do not have a "flip image" dip switch, which I kind of can't believe on both accounts. (15 kHz both). People love Pac Man and Galaga and I don't own an upright vertical 2P cab (Pac Man Arranged and Galaga Arranged are both 2P simul), so that...
  12. GhaleonUnlimited

    Help-Blast City no picture - reversed deflecting yoke connectors (for 180 degree image flip )

    It is pretty difficult to do with the monitor installed, but I did it really carefully. I used my phone and kept taking pics to be sure of what I was doing. Managed it.
  13. GhaleonUnlimited

    Help-Blast City no picture - reversed deflecting yoke connectors (for 180 degree image flip )

    HELP HELP :( I need to flip my Blast City's picture 180-degrees, so it seems straightforward enough based on the manual and what I read online. You just reverse therl right red/blue plug and brown/gray plug. Cab was unplugged, and I reversed the two polarity plugs, and now I'm not getting...