Recent content by Gehirn

  1. Gehirn

    Australian Roll Call / Registry / Deals Thread

    I have used buyee too a few times with no problems. It has been a while since I did though so don't know how they compare on price at the moment. There is usually some sort of promo going. They also have a bunch of options to pay for photos, add protective packaging, combine with other orders, etc.
  2. Gehirn

    Australian Roll Call / Registry / Deals Thread

    Highway has another sale on Saturday. Check out their Facebook for some photos of parts, wiring, headers, etc.
  3. Gehirn

    Ringedge 2 difference

    It refers to ALL.Net P-ras MULTI, an online service for arcades to access multiple games.
  4. Gehirn

    Australian Roll Call / Registry / Deals Thread

    Highway is having a sale this weekend with parts from various candy cabs.
  5. Gehirn

    Australian Roll Call / Registry / Deals Thread

    Here's a link to them on taobao if it works for you. I think it's around $250 aud.
  6. Gehirn

    Ringedge 1 multi guide?

    Unless you have the required io boards and add ons for the guns, wheels, etc those games don't boot so there's not much point adding them and I have seen others say some dont anyway. The only one I have seen working footage of added to the multi is Initial D 8 I think. Accessing bios only works...
  7. Gehirn

    Ringedge 1 multi guide?

    Thanks for posting this! Cool to see some new tricks shared with the multi after these few years. And just so noone makes the same obvious mistake as me you have to make those bios settings from a locked drive first.
  8. Gehirn

    RingEdge Manuals

    If anyone is still looking for them: Ringwide Manual. Ringedge and other Manuals.
  9. Gehirn

    Ringedge Keychip ID List

    Does anyone have a list of the Ringedge keychip IDs? There used to be some across the usual sites but I guess they've been lost.