Recent content by elgarlic

  1. elgarlic

    23/2024 Customer Service Update

    Did you reach out via the website contact/chat feature, or email? I had no luck with email but almost immediate responses via the website.
  2. elgarlic

    Request for Axunworks to reach back to customers

    I just wanted to chime in about my shipping time, as my order just arrived. I got a Pro power supply, and it was just about 6 months to the day. Shipped via UPS, which only took a couple of days once it was moving. The wait was not horrendous, but I was prepared by everyone's prior discussions...
  3. elgarlic

    Mortal Kombat 1-4: HAS and RetroTink5x Pro

    Well, that or any monitor with VRR. :)
  4. elgarlic

    Mortal Kombat 1-4: HAS and RetroTink5x Pro

    Thanks. Yeah, I do fortunately now have several means of testing the boards. But for gameplay in something like MK, the huge input lag of those converters is probably a no go. I think the only other option to test would be the modified GBS-C board. I've heard from one person that while the...
  5. elgarlic

    Mortal Kombat 1-4: HAS and RetroTink5x Pro

    The OSSC does indeed do the trick. I have a few freesync monitors that pick up the signal with no problem. Unfortunately, my 4k Samsung TV gives me an error about the resolution (presumably actually meaning refresh rate) is not supported. Oh well... still have a working method for now.
  6. elgarlic

    Mortal Kombat 1-4: HAS and RetroTink5x Pro

    Thanks, I did come across that. I wasn't familiar with the iScan DVDO products, but I'll try to avoid that route if I can (not least of all because it is discontinued and one more pricey item to add to the chain). If my TVs don't work out, I can hopefully stick with my monitor and put the...
  7. elgarlic

    Mortal Kombat 1-4: HAS and RetroTink5x Pro

    Well, from some chats I've had today and a bit more reading (retrotink discord, etc), it seems the 5xpro isn't going to recognize MK. So, I've got an OSSC on the way. As you say, MickyMac, there might be tearing at 60hz. I do have a monitor with freesync that I can use, though. Hopefully that...
  8. elgarlic

    Mortal Kombat 1-4: HAS and RetroTink5x Pro

    Hi, I received my HAS yesterday, hopeful that I could get it working with the MK titles. I'm aware of the challenges that their unorthodox, 54hz refresh rate bring, but hopefully it can be worked out. My setup is the latest HAS, hooked up to a modern display (currently testing on a Samsung...
  9. elgarlic

    [ORDER your HAS!]

    Mine just arrived. Thanks for the super fast shipping. Looking forward to trying it out!
  10. elgarlic

    Another New Member post (Philly area)

    Hello! I'm a new member, getting back into the arcade scene. Had a great MK1 cab years ago, along with the boards for 2-4. Had to move across the country and sold the cab! Figuring out the world of superguns now and keep coming across this forum. :) Hoping to get things set up, reacquire MK1...