Recent content by BigSchmid

  1. BigSchmid

    Amuzy cabs vs. Dino King cabs - conversion questions!

    Thinking about getting something small for a JAMMA conversion. Are there differences between these cabs? What should I be on the look for? I've seen DK cab conversions and they look great but are the cabs as readily available as it seems Amuzy cabs are? I need an education on these tiny cabs...
  2. BigSchmid

    Refinished CPs

    Curious if there's a way/tutorial/post on here I haven't seen about the refinishing of panels and how it can be done? Or is the general consensus that it just makes more sense to save the time and money and go repro? If you have panels that are roached and you'd want to learn how to remove the...
  3. BigSchmid

    Noir Monitor Swap

    Are these available for sale at any point of the year, Jermz?
  4. BigSchmid

    Sega Lindbergh JPN (& Noir) Appreciation Thread

    What access did you have for the 3d printed brackets? Best way to get those? Thank you for the video, Chihiro.
  5. BigSchmid

    Let's Connect a PC to an Arcade Cab, Shall we??!!

    Still following with your guidance, Micky. Where you at with this now that you've gotten feedback and updates?
  6. BigSchmid

    Banapassport Replacement Extra Buttons Panel for Namco Noir

    Agreed. Really, really love seeing mods like this.
  7. BigSchmid

    Sega Lindbergh JPN (& Noir) Appreciation Thread

    What is the thickness of the things? I don't recall if I got a good look at what your finished product by itself looks like..may have to go back through posts. How do you think silver that matches the cab would be best achieved?
  8. BigSchmid

    Sega Lindbergh JPN (& Noir) Appreciation Thread

    Short term? No. Someday? Mayhaps.
  9. BigSchmid

    Sega Lindbergh JPN (& Noir) Appreciation Thread

    As someone with less than zero knowledge of 3d printers or anything of that sort, what would come after my interest in acquiring one at some point?
  10. BigSchmid

    Sega Lindbergh JPN (& Noir) Appreciation Thread

    Did you ever dabble with the silver Ziggy?
  11. BigSchmid

    Sega Lindbergh JPN (& Noir) Appreciation Thread

    What's the best way to get your look on a Lindbergh, Chihiro? Anyone making or selling that part?
  12. BigSchmid

    Sega Lindbergh JPN (& Noir) Appreciation Thread

    Is it weird that I like the standard area more than with the Aime reader there?
  13. BigSchmid

    Sega Lindbergh JPN (& Noir) Appreciation Thread

    No, no. The center area left of the yellow sticker where the Aime reader would go.
  14. BigSchmid

    Sega Lindbergh JPN (& Noir) Appreciation Thread

    The area where your Aime reader would go..there's a really nice piece there. What is it called/where did you get it? I really, really like how clean it is.
  15. BigSchmid

    Japanese Game Center Control Panel Artwork Reproductions

    Is anyone making these and selling or do we wait for updates from BlueTear?